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Tuesday 2 October 2012

Fishing report by Jim Boyd


JIM BOYD - angling journalist/photographer

TELEPHONE/FAX 0141 776 2920
MOBILE 07767 890145
Email. jimboyd37@live.co.uk
Email Group.

Issued by Jim Boyd on behalf of the following fisheries on Monday 01 October
2012.The following reports are for the week ending Sunday, 30 September 2012.

1. FRANDY (Gleneagles) On the Individual front Drew Carrie & Tom Gordon from

Paisley kept 12 fish weighing 23lb 8oz, Kenny MacMillan, Perth, 4 fish weighing

7lb 4oz, Andy Hunter, Alloa, fishing on a sporting ticket released 15, Ian Gibson &

Jock McKenzie, Edinburgh, 6 fish for 12lb 8oz and Jim Donnelly, Tullibody, kept 2

fish weighing 4lb 8oz and released 9. Robert Westwater from Glasgow had 2 fish

weighing 4lb 12oz and released 10, Bobby Paterson, St Ninians, released 5, Willie

Johnson, Bannockburn, kept 2 fish weighing 5lb and Duncan Paterson, Alva, had 2

fish for 4lb 12oz and released 6. Hamish Higgins from Perth kept 2 fish weighing 4lb

and released 5, Gerry Grattan, Kincardine, 2 fish for 5lb 8oz and released 1 and Jim

& Crawford McEwan released 12.

The St Peters Fly Fishers kept 11 fish weighing 26lb and Moncrieffe A/C had 5 fish

for 9lb 8oz.

The best flies and lures have been the Bloodworm, Yellow & Coral Dancers, Fritz

Olive Damsels and various Cormorants fished on a midge tip or intermediate lines

whilst the most productive areas have been along the South Shore from the fishery

lodge to the dam wall.


3. MARKLE (East Lothian) Tommy Dickson from Dunbar had the honour of taking

the biggest rainbow last week – a cracker of 15lbs 4oz that was taken on a Black

and Silver Rabbitiser. Paul Gildea from Manchester scored two personal best taking

his heaviest ever rainbow at 11lbs 8oz and his best ever brown at 5lbs 8oz – both

trout were caught on a Black & Green Rabbit. On a further visit he used an F Fly

to take a nice rainbow of 9lbs 8oz. Jack Hay from Haddington had a belter of 13lbs

4oz on a Diawl Bach, Joe Thomas, Edinburgh, one at 9lbs on a Green Olive, Darrell

Young, Edinburgh, 3 for 12lbs on one visit and 3 for 9lbs and also a fish of 10lbs that

was returned and Joe McKenzie from Prestonpans who used various lures to take a

brace weighing 16lbs 8oz – best 9lbs. J Millar from Edinburgh had a brace weighing

15lbs 8oz – best 12lbs on a White Gold Head and Gordon Dagg, Pathead, one at

10lbs on a Black Lure.


5. ORCHILL LOCH (Braco) On Saturday the Falcon FFC had a good morning taking

42 fish for 105lbs 12oz with Willie Barr taking the heaviest basket 4 fish for 14lbs

on Black and Gold lures. On the wildest day of the week last Tuesday only two

diehards turned up and fished - Harry Graham getting 4 fish for 11lbs and Hector

Wilson from Bannockburn took 3 fish for 9lbs 4oz. Jim Forsyth from Kilsyth had 2

fish for 13lbs – best 8lbs 12oz on an Ally McC, Craig McNeil, Bishopton, 3 for 10lbs

8oz on a Damsel, Roy Hatchard, Alloa, 3 fish for 8lbs 8oz on a Humungus and Alec

McMillan from Swindon used a Damsel to bag 3 fish for 6lbs 8oz, Jim Prentice from

Tullibody caught 3 for 9lbs on a Damsel, William Alexander, Menstrie, 2 for 8lbs 8oz

on a Damsel, Alex Fitzsimmons, Fintry, 4 for 14lbs on a Damsel, John Alexander,

Cornton, 2 for 7lbs 12oz – best 7lbs 12oz on a Cat and Sonia Leyden from Stirling

had a brace for 5lbs 4oz on Buzzers. John Gilchrist, from Stirling caught 3 fish for

7lbs on Buzzers.

6. SWANSWATER (Stirling) A week of unsettled weather, with a mix of windy

days with heavy rain and calm sunny days, has meant water temperatures remain

steady around 9 – 10c leading to a good weeks fishing. Although fish were being

caught throughout the day anglers arriving early were finding the mornings proving

particularly productive. Fish remained mostly in the top 4 feet of the water with the

dam wall and area around the big tree continuing to hold large numbers of fish,

although now a good number of fish are starting to get caught in the channel off

the island and occasionally from the roadside. The Millpond and Meadow Pond

are contributing well to the returns with the light Blues and Golds providing a target

for anglers. Mini lures including Damsel, Cat, Craft Eye Cat, Cut Throat Cat and

Cormorant have proven to be the most effective, with a lot if fish also taken on

Buzzers. Small nymphs such as Diawl Bach and wets including Black Pennell and

Kate McLaren have also been working well. At times Daddy Long Legs fished just

under the surface has been an effective method.

Gary Ross, Falkirk, 3 for 21lb 4oz including 9lb 8oz Blue and 9lb Rainbow from

Meadow Pond, Stephen Murphy, Motherwell, 7lb 8oz Blue, Gary Stewart, Glasgow,

2 for 9lb including 2 Blues, biggest 7lb from the Meadow Pond, Robert Hiddleston,

Grangemouth, 2 for 10lb including 6lb 10oz Rainbow and a tiger and Charles

Devine, Stirling, 4 fish for 16lb 4oz including 6lb 8oz Rainbow from Meadow Pond

and 3 Blues. Darren Hill, Alva, 5 for 17lb 4oz including a Blue, Danny Doherty,

Denny, 5 for 16lb 10oz including a Blue, Peter O’Brien, Camelon, 5 for 15lb including

3 Blues and Donald McMurchy, Fallin, 5 for 15lb including a 4lb Blue. Frank Turner,

Alloa, 4 for 13lb 12oz including a Tiger, Alan Whitton, Stirling, 4 for 13lb including

4lb 8oz Rainbow and a Blue, Tam Anderson, Kincardine, 3 for 10lb including a Blue

and 4lb Gold, Mike Baker, Stirling, 3 Blues for 10lb. James Anderson, Carstairs, 3 for

9lb 8oz including 2 Blues, Terry Innes, Rosyth, 3 for 9lb 8oz including 2 Blues, Barry

Hamilton, Glasgow, 3 for 9lb 8oz, Willie Martin, Stirling, 3 for 9lb including a Blue and

2 light Blues and Sandy Jenkins, Carronshore, 2 for 7lb 12oz. Ian Penman, Falkirk,

2 for 7lb 4oz including a Blue, Davy Neilson, Carronshore, 2 for 6lb 8oz including a

Blue and Eddie McKillop, Glasgow 5lb Blue.