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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Fishing report by Jim Boyd


JIM BOYD - angling journalist/photographer

TELEPHONE/FAX 0141 776 2920
MOBILE 07767 890145
Email. jimboyd37@live.co.uk
Email Group.

Issued by Jim Boyd on behalf of the following fisheries on Monday 24 September
2012.The following reports are for the week ending Sunday, 23 September 2012.

1. FRANDY (Gleneagles) Robert Westwater from Glasgow kept 2 fish weighing

5lb 8oz and released 12, Hamish Higgins Perth 2 fish weighing 5lb and released

4, Brendan Honeybun (Lochore) 3 for 5lb 4oz, Ian Gibson & Jock McKenzie

(Edinburgh) kept 6 fish weighing 14lb 8oz. Andy Hunter from Alloa fishing with a

sporting ticket released 12, Bobby Paterson (St Ninians) released 7, Willie Johnson

(Bannockburn) kept 2 fish weighing 7lb and Jim Donnelly (Tullibody) caught 2 fish

weighing 5lb and released 6.

On the club front the Phoenix A/C kept 6 fish weighing 12lb 15oz, IBM Freshwater A/

C 16 fish weighing 32lb and the Shell Mossmorran A/C kept 7 fish weighing 15lb.

The top taking flies have been the Cats Whisker, Yellow & Coral Dancer and

Damsels and the best fishing areas have been the North Shore, Dam Wall and the

South Shore from fishery lodge.

2. FORBES OF KINGENNIE (Broughty Ferry) It really feels as if autumn is starting

set in at Forbes of Kingennie and the cooler weather has made all the difference with

all the ponds starting to fish really well.

The Boathouse has remained very clear with fish visibly following flies then turning

away. Floating lines and lures are still the most popular method; small nymphs are

still taking their fair share of fish also. The average size continues to be just over 5lb

with the best fish this week taken by Mr Peterson with a rainbow of 8lb 12oz on a

mini Hothead Damsel.

The fish in the Bankside really showing signs of switching onto the fry now with

numbers of fish on the north bank and the dam wall to be seen crashing into fry

shoals. The water is as clear as it has been all year making presentation very

important when fishing small flies. Lure have taken most of the fish this week with

a Cat’s Whiskers being the most successful pattern but most flies have been taking

fish. Mr Gordon braved the high winds for 3 hours on Monday morning resulting in 12

fish with the best a 4lb rainbow.

The Woodside has been fishing very well with most anglers catching their limits

the best method continues to be Powerbait but with the cooler weather the float is

catching well as well as spinners. There are still some bigger fish being caught with

the best fish over the weekend being a 3lb 11oz rainbow caught by Mr Walton in his

bag of 4 fish for 9lb

The Burnside has been fishing very well with most methods catching fish. Lures

such as the Hothead Damsel and the Bleeding Cat are taking lots of fish as well as

nymphs and dries. The water is still very clear and this has helped the fishing now

that the water is cooling. The best fish taken this week was a 4lb 9oz rainbow taken

by Mr Heenan. One lodge guest Mr Parsons had a very productive session taking 15

fish on a UV Cat all in the space of a couple of hours.

3. MARKLE (East Lothian) Bruce Hunter from Edinburgh had a fantastic session

using his special Black Lure to take 14 fish on a catch and release basis with his first

five rainbows aggregating to an astonishing 64lbs 8oz – quite a catch! Also doing

well was Jack Hay from Haddington used a Diawl Bach to take a brace weighing

27lbs 4oz, Ross Wilson, North Berwick, took on at 12lbs 8oz on a Black Lure and

Mattie Devine from Hagston took 17 on C+R – heaviest 7lbs. Keith Watson from

Stakeford had 17 fish, retaining 3 for 16lbs 20z and the flies involved were the Diawl

Bach and various lures. Last but not least Joe Thomas from Edinburgh used a Green

Olive dry to take a nice 9lb specimen.


5. ORCHILL LOCH (Braco) The fish can be seen just now just under the surface

where they have been taking dries through to lures again with no particular favourite.

Stewart Kidd from Perth had 3 fish weighing 12lbs 4oz – best 7lbs 12oz on the

Silver Humungous, John Beatson, Alloa, 3 for 15lbs – best 6lbs on a Yellow Dancer,

Jimmy Young, Alloa, 3 for 9lbs on a Yellow Dancer, Les Mitchell, Haddington, 4 for

12lbs – best 4lbs 8oz on a Damsel and David Mitchell from Edinburgh took 4 fish

for 13lbs 8os on a Cat. Fifteen year old Thomas Bramley from Stirling had a brace

weighing 4lbs on the Daddy and an Orange lure, Stewart Cairns, Perth, 4 for 11lbs

8oz on Dries, Jake Munroe, Perth, 4 for 11lbs on the Diawl Bach, David McCrae,

Falkirk, 3 for 10lbs 4oz on Buzzers and Bobby Robertson, Falkirk, 3 for 8lbs 4oz on

a Damsel and Martin Wilson, Pitlochry, 2 for 9lbs on a Diawl Bach. Harry Graham


3 for 10lbs on a Pink Nomad, Jim Prentice, Tullibody, 4 for 13lbs on a Damsel and

Hector Wilson from Bannockburn caught 3 fish for 9lbs 12oz on a Coral Pink.

Glenrothes took 4 fish weighing 12lbs on a Daddy, George Ross, Stirling,

6. SWANSWATER (Stirling) As temperatures continue to drop the fish are becoming

more and more active and looking to chase a wide variety of small lures, nymphs

and wet flies.

after the heavy rain on Thursday they went a bit deeper.

were catching a lot of fish about 3 to 4 feet down, the result of a combination of cold

nights and sunny days.

only in the catch rates but also in the number of fish anglers are losing or offers they

are getting and missing. One angler on Sunday reckoned that if he had connected

with every offer he got, he could have had about 50 fish - instead he ended up with

2! The Fishery will be closing at 7.00pm this week.

At the beginning of the week they were fairly high in the water but

At the weekend Buzzers

Conditions are improving all the time which is showing not

Stephen Mackie, Glasgow 9lb 2oz Rainbow, Gavin Johnston, Stirling, 3 for 14lb 10oz

including 8lb 12oz Rainbow and a Tiger, Grant Hendry, Falkirk, 8lb 12oz Blue, David

McGowan, Stirling, 8lb Rainbow from the Meadow Pond and Davey Cooper, Ayr,

3 for 12lb 12oz including 7lb 10oz Rainbow and 2 Blues. Darren Gowran, Stirling,

7lb 8oz Blue from the Meadow Pond, Jim Donnelly, Milton of Campsie, 5 for 14lb

2oz including 4 Blues, Danny Doherty, Denny, 5 for 14lb 12oz including 3 Blues

and 3lb 8oz Brown, Malcolm McLeod, Fort William, 5 for 14lb including 4 Blues and

George Kochanek, Tullibody, 4 for 13lb 8oz including 2 Blues and a Tiger. Douglas

Rutherford, Grangemouth, 4 for 12lb 12oz including 3 Blues, Alan Buchan, Stirling,

4 for 12lb 8oz including 2 Blues and a Gold, Robert McDonald, Glasgow, 4 for 12lb

8oz including 2 Blues and a Tiger, David Grigor, South Queensferry, 4 for 12lb

including 3 Blues and Michael Barker, Stirling, 3 Blues for 10lb. Ricky Goodwin,

Larbert, 3 Blues for 9lb 8oz, John Mooney, Queenzieburn, 3 for 9lb 8oz, Keith Lewis,

South Queensferry, 3 for 9lb 6oz, Davy Wales, Livingston, 2 for 8lb including a

light Blue and Richard Conlin, Stirling, 2 for 7lb including a Blue and a Tiger. John

Kirkwood, Glasgow, 2 for 7lb 2oz including a Blue